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It's not all bad is it?

So recently has been a bit of a disaster.

As most of my friends know, my server was completely hacked by .ru whilst I was ill in bed, and they destroyed all my sites.  That was bad enough but the thing that gutted me the most was the destruction of a memorial site I had tried to set up for my deceased brother.  That, above all, crushed me.

I did think about just giving up, but it is not in my nature.  The more people try to stop me doing something the more determined I am to do it.  So the past few days have been spent trying to rebuild.  I am nowhere near done yet but it does look like a proper site again.... sort of

A friend had her website on the same server and they half wiped that also, so I took the opportunity and bought her a domain and created her a whole new website on a different server.  Hopefully she will now be safe :-)

The hosts, Stablehost, who have been pretty much a nightmare since I went there, just kept telling me it was not THEIR fault the server was insecure and that I had to pay them around $38 an hour to help me fix it.  Not happening.  I have just cancelled everything I had with them which, after the hack, was not a lot to be honest.

So that was upset one, but not the only thing, unfortunately.

Another thing was the illness.  I ended up with pneumonia and a major chest infection and am just getting over it.  I am actually glad I did get it funnily enough as I had a battery of tests and they found out my kidneys and liver are not working properly.  Seems they are failing a little.   I think they are just lazy, to be honest.  My blood pressure is up also... are we surprised??   So now I will be having another battery of tests and a new diet.  Another one LOL  Change is always good.

Thirdly, I lost my bank card yesterday at the hospital.  It has not been handed in BUT my bank allows freezing of cards.  So I phoned them and froze it, then, when nobody had handed it in I blocked it completely, so now have no card.  Still, the good thing is I cannot over spend :-)

The really cool thing is I am off to Texas in a few weeks!  HOLIDAY!!!!!  So things are quite cool after all... not many people get such a great holiday, do they :-)

Anyway, that is what has been happening to me lately... more soon


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