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Not a diary, but a diary of errors

I was told today in a forum, quite rightly, that a diary online should be interesting and full of anecdotes.  Perhaps about my dogs, or the British way of life.

Perhaps they are right, but this is written not for anyone else to read precisely, but more for me to exorcise my demons.

I mean, I look around my room, cluttered and totally unorganised, and realise THAT is who I am in my mind.  Totally disjointed and not all in the right place.  At work, with-it and quite clever, in an unassuming way, but at home completely doolally and not all there.

Can we really be two people at once?  I think far more of us are than are not.  We all LIKE to think we are clever, attractive, liked, professional... or whatever the going thing is for today.... but in reality most of us are just muddling through from day to day hoping it turns out okay in the end.

There was a time when I had it all worked out.  A plan.  A life map.  Well, that didn't quite go as planned I thought the other day when I realised just how old I was and what I had not yet done!

What happened to my wing walking?!?!?!  What happened to jet lining???!?!  What happened to going to art school, or becoming an opera singer... or a vet..... or a rock star?

Shoot, I don't even have time to put my makeup on most days!

So what should I write about in this here diary of mine?  Tales of derring do albeit made up?  Or the all bones and clothes free truth about life in the little slower than fast lane I call my life?

Yet to be decided ;-)


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